Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Mormon Truth Videos Are Back And Returning Stronger Than Ever!!

We are finally back up and running again!! Must have been that damn pesky Mormon God again...LOL!!

This blog will be dedicated to all of the videos that I've either discovered, personally created or that others have created regarding the "REAL TRUTH" of the cult called Mormonism. I had 42 videos posted on YouTube that were suddenly deleted and wiped out, without explanation or warning, back in February of this year. The jackasses and losers running YouTube didn't even have the common decency to send me an Email or respond to any of my Emails.

At the time of my abrupt deletion, my videos had been seen over 160,000 times, with over 7,000 comments, in just over over 6 months time. I will re-post ALL of those videos here, along with many videos created by Paul Maughn, who is doing an awesome job exposing the Mormon cult with all of his videos and hard work. Thanks Paul!!

I will also create an easily accessible index(to the right in the sidebar) for quick reference, to each and every video, so that you'll be able to easily locate them by subject, even when they are archived.

So, off we go, as I guess it's time to piss off the Mormon Hierarchy and all the Mormon apologists one more time, by reporting the "REAL MORMON TRUTH" to the world that they don't want you to see, hear, know about or watch in our videos.

If they are indeed the "one and only true church" with God on their side and us anti-Mormons are just filthy, loathsome, disease germs that are full of darkness, led by Satan; what are they so damn afraid of, that leads them to try to silence and discredit us? Things that make you go hmmmm!!

Thanks everyone for all of your support and Emails and as always, I look forward to your comments!!

Samuel the Utahnite


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